Scott Laird: On the road to Portland
Scott Laird: Cynthia enjoying a drink at the hotel
Scott Laird: Robby Russell
Scott Laird: DHH's presentation begins
Scott Laird: More DHH
Scott Laird: Phil presenting DHH with _How to win friends and influence people_
Scott Laird: How to win friends and influence people
Scott Laird: Rich Kilmer
Scott Laird: ActionStep Rails Teaser, page 1
Scott Laird: ActionStep Rails Teaser, page 2
Scott Laird: Glenn Vanderburg
Scott Laird: Glenn Vanderburg
Scott Laird: They're setting up for a programming talk. Really.
Scott Laird: Matz receiving an award
Scott Laird: Why starts his Ruby performance art/lecture piece
Scott Laird: Ruby Shadow Puppets
Scott Laird: Shadow Puppets. With Ruby Code.
Scott Laird: Is that supposed to be Guido?
Scott Laird: This is still a programming talk. They were singing about Ruby's lexer.
Scott Laird: Trudy sings, too
Scott Laird: Trudy
Scott Laird: Trudy