ExtraLife: carter 2
ExtraLife: warm ears
ExtraLife: i see green
ExtraLife: bagpiper agian
ExtraLife: IMG_2568
ExtraLife: Random Lights
ExtraLife: carter again
ExtraLife: nice building shot
ExtraLife: pretty
ExtraLife: hourse
ExtraLife: IMG_2571
ExtraLife: kim and nick
ExtraLife: steam
ExtraLife: tree
ExtraLife: bagpipes
ExtraLife: temple 2
ExtraLife: IMG_2577
ExtraLife: wagons
ExtraLife: really nice shot
ExtraLife: reflection2
ExtraLife: temple
ExtraLife: more lights
ExtraLife: lights
ExtraLife: reflection
ExtraLife: IMG_2569
ExtraLife: IMG_2567
ExtraLife: carter
ExtraLife: Scraping the sky
ExtraLife: long walk
ExtraLife: tree again