ExtraLife: Outside
ExtraLife: Room with tables
ExtraLife: Upper balcony
ExtraLife: Stairway up to the top
ExtraLife: Film sack room
ExtraLife: Racquet ball court
ExtraLife: Game room
ExtraLife: Game room
ExtraLife: Panel room. Can do more chairs that this.
ExtraLife: Projector..one of two in the panel room
ExtraLife: Back of the panel room
ExtraLife: Outdoor area
ExtraLife: upper balcony overlooking panel area
ExtraLife: spare room
ExtraLife: another mingling room
ExtraLife: Possible booth room, or artist alley.
ExtraLife: Possible booth room, or artist alley.
ExtraLife: Food serving area
ExtraLife: Outdoor hang out space
ExtraLife: Game and table game room
ExtraLife: The Hosts with the Mosts
ExtraLife: Jim Raynor vs Illidan
ExtraLife: Eileen Tom and Veronica!
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h06m34DSC_5922
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h10m45DSC_5931
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h12m34DSC_5937
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h18m06DSC_5947
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h19m00DSC_5948
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h20m33DSC_5956
ExtraLife: 2011-06-17-07h32m08DSC_5958