scott.dougall: On At The Dyke
scott.dougall: almost not there
scott.dougall: freedom
scott.dougall: Landing in a haze
scott.dougall: 20090221-P1030231
scott.dougall: towards brighton
scott.dougall: 20090221-P1030246
scott.dougall: speed of light
scott.dougall: volo libero
scott.dougall: follow your dreams
scott.dougall: airbourne fun
scott.dougall: extremes
scott.dougall: voglio credere nei miei sogni
scott.dougall: 11,000ft
scott.dougall: together
scott.dougall: obscure
scott.dougall: freedom
scott.dougall: watching
scott.dougall: The Dyke
scott.dougall: il mio dove il mio cuore è...
scott.dougall: Steve Cook from above !!
scott.dougall: Ozzie in heaven
scott.dougall: contrast
scott.dougall: take off
scott.dougall: Swanborough 004
scott.dougall: Gliding Swanborough