Scottarius: Celebration IV!
Scottarius: Los Angeles
Scottarius: Celebration IV!
Scottarius: Exhibit Hall
Scottarius: Exhibit Hall
Scottarius: Exhibit Hall
Scottarius: Exhibit Hall
Scottarius: Standees
Scottarius: Gonk Droid
Scottarius: Figures
Scottarius: LEGO booth!
Scottarius: LEGO Death Star
Scottarius: LEGO C-3PO and R2-D2
Scottarius: LEGO Chewbacca
Scottarius: Lego Y-Wing
Scottarius: LEGO Battle Droid Carrier
Scottarius: LEGO Millenium Falcon
Scottarius: LEGO Tie Fighter
Scottarius: C-3PO
Scottarius: Speeder Bike
Scottarius: Space Slug
Scottarius: Anakin & Obi-Wan
Scottarius: Execute Order 66
Scottarius: Vader and the Fettes
Scottarius: Asajj Ventress
Scottarius: Asajj Ventress and a Slave Leia
Scottarius: Cylons?
Scottarius: Wookiee Jr.
Scottarius: Han, Padme, and Leia
Scottarius: Han, Obi Wan, and Leias