goldenpeacock: off roading
goldenpeacock: random wreath in Prospect Park
goldenpeacock: fake poinsettia
goldenpeacock: me and the pup
goldenpeacock: my little gargoyle
goldenpeacock: she wasn't happy up there
goldenpeacock: 3 of us (Sophia is the blob)
goldenpeacock: Prospect Park tunnel
goldenpeacock: haunted house?
goldenpeacock: Scott and Michelle
goldenpeacock: my beef looks uncooked, but it's just the flash
goldenpeacock: goys acting jewish on Christmas
goldenpeacock: (the sweater I got for Scotty!)
goldenpeacock: in the cab on the way to see Juno
goldenpeacock: Michelle's view
goldenpeacock: Mic's taken over!
goldenpeacock: Union Square
goldenpeacock: paparazzi