Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, with prey in back garden on summer solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage with WIndsor Castle-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage with WIndsor Castle-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Spectators return to Windsor Castle from Ascot Races via the Long Walk and an Horse-drawn carriage with WIndsor Castle-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Oak tree, Quercus robur, in Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Visitors at The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Visitors at The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Looking toward George IV Gateway at Windsor Castle-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Visitors at The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Visitors at The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
The Copper Horse Statue Windsor Great Park-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Looking toward George IV Gateway at Windsor Castle-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Long Walk and view to London Panorama-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Great Park with deer herd and equestrian-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle and RIver Thames at sunset on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle and RIver Thames at sunset on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle Round Tower with lights on and RIver Thames on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle Round Tower with lights on and RIver Thames on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle Round Tower with lights on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle Round Tower with lights on and RIver Thames on Summer Solstice 2013-
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography:
Windsor Castle Round Tower with lights on Summer Solstice 2013-