Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Carolina parakeet-extinct-Conuropsis carolinensis
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Darwinius masillae fossil cast
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Diplodocus Fossil in Central Hall
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: The cathedral-like structure of The Central Hall at Natural History Museum, London England.
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Monkey sculpture and Central Hall
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Monkey sculpture and Central Hall
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Richard Owen Statue - first superintendent of NHM
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Natural History Museum outside
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Kakapo-Strigops habroptilus
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Indian flying fox-Pteropus giganteus
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Thomas Henry Huxley Statue
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Natural History Museum Ice Skating Rink and Round-about 2009
Scott A. McNealy @noboundaryphotography: Natural History Museum Ice Skating Rink and Round-about at night 2009-73