Scott_Nelson: Narada Falls Black and White
Scott_Nelson: Feeling Small Black and White
Scott_Nelson: Grove of the Patriarchs Black and White
Scott_Nelson: Wind Swept Pines on Mt Rainier
Scott_Nelson: Ruby Falls on Paradise River near Narada Falls
Scott_Nelson: Skyline Trial Looking North East, Haze is from Local Wildfires
Scott_Nelson: Moss Coated Rocks and Waterfall of of Wondeland Trail Reflection Lake
Scott_Nelson: Surveying My Domain
Scott_Nelson: Teresa and Mike at Little Tipsoo Lake
Scott_Nelson: Teresa and Mike at Narada Falls
Scott_Nelson: Teresa at The Grove of the Patriarchs
Scott_Nelson: Teresa Enjoying the Sun
Scott_Nelson: Teresa Further Up Skyline Trail
Scott_Nelson: Teresa on Skyline Trail, looking towards Paradise Lodge
Scott_Nelson: Teresa's Big Grin on Skyline Trail
Scott_Nelson: Teresa's Jump For Joy Heading Down to Paradise Lodge B&W
Scott_Nelson: Teresa's Jump For Joy Heading Down to Paradise Lodge
Scott_Nelson: Tree Leaner
Scott_Nelson: Unnamed Falls on Paradise River Lower Lakes Trial B&W
Scott_Nelson: Unnamed Falls on Paradise River Lower Lakes Trial
Scott_Nelson: Unnamed falls on Paradise River on the way to Narada Falls
Scott_Nelson: WE ARE HERE
Scott_Nelson: Western Anemone
Scott_Nelson: Youngster Loving the hike
Scott_Nelson: Marmot Lunch
Scott_Nelson: Marmot Sunning
Scott_Nelson: Mike and Teresa along an unnamed lake East side of Naches Peak
Scott_Nelson: Mike and Teresa along Hwy 410 overlooking Mt Rainier and White River
Scott_Nelson: Mike and Teresa having a laugh on Skyline Trail BIG Mt behind them