Scott in Kabul: Another grey day in Kabul
Scott in Kabul: Afghanistan garbage disposals
Scott in Kabul: Texting downtown
Scott in Kabul: Old guy in the mirror
Scott in Kabul: Bala Hizar - at the foot of the old foot we bought a sheep for a late Novroz gift
Scott in Kabul: School is out
Scott in Kabul: IMG_20130328_170133
Scott in Kabul: Closing time
Scott in Kabul: Scary things in Kabul
Scott in Kabul: A Friday treat
Scott in Kabul: Strawberries are starting to come in season
Scott in Kabul: I like the rabbits coming out of the gravel.
Scott in Kabul: Read the sign on the shop to the left. Its the way I want my PVC.
Scott in Kabul: IMG_20130401_161031
Scott in Kabul: Driving along airport road.
Scott in Kabul: This is my favorite graffiti in Kabul.
Scott in Kabul: Welcome to the suck, shipmate.
Scott in Kabul: Coffee & Kandahar
Scott in Kabul: Leaving KAF
Scott in Kabul: Kandahar graffiti
Scott in Kabul: Streets of Kabul. Just down the street from our house...
Scott in Kabul: Old man in the street
Scott in Kabul: DAMN! I'm getting low, time to make some more.
Scott in Kabul: Yep, still raining
Scott in Kabul: This is the answer to the question," Did you remember to turn the gas off?" The whole neighborhood knows the answer at 5 AM when you go to make breakfast.
Scott in Kabul: See, I do work.
Scott in Kabul: ...and them we thought maybe someone important was coming to visit.
Scott in Kabul: The irony