Tripp124: Saying goodbye to Garrett and Kim
Tripp124: Syohei at the beginning of the trail
Tripp124: IMG_0111
Tripp124: Syohei enjoying the horse ride.
Tripp124: IMG_0118
Tripp124: IMG_0125
Tripp124: IMG_0134
Tripp124: IMG_0143
Tripp124: IMG_0156
Tripp124: Nick on his horse
Tripp124: IMG_0184
Tripp124: IMG_0190
Tripp124: Coyote on the horse trail!
Tripp124: IMG_0203
Tripp124: IMG_0247
Tripp124: The group-2
Tripp124: The group
Tripp124: The bus for Nashville, TN