Tripp124: Jim Reads 9th year 1960 Camp Joe Tishel
Tripp124: brandon mary Tishel002
Tripp124: brandon mary Tishel001
Tripp124: brandon mary Tishel
Tripp124: brandon mary Tishel
Tripp124: Tishel prop002
Tripp124: Tishel prop001
Tripp124: Tishel prop
Tripp124: Frank Tishel
Tripp124: Camp Joe Tishel Springhouse remains
Tripp124: Mary Tishel Brandon Springhouse
Tripp124: What is left of the springhouse at Camp Tishel
Tripp124: Mary Tishel Brandon aka Camp Joe Tischel
Tripp124: Jeanna Lynn Premmon 8-11-1960 at Camp Joe
Tripp124: Jeanna Lynn Premmon 8-11-1960 at Camp Joe