Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Referee Steven Kirkland leads out the teams
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - East Fife kick off the first half
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Ali El-Zubaidi in the thick of the action
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Gary Naysmith fouls Bobby Linn
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Gary Naysmith accepts he fouled
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - The referee points for the free kick
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride steps up to take the free kick
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride can't believe it as his free kick strikes the bar
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Simon Murray's Barmy Army
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - On loan Dunfermline defender Jonathon Page heads away from Kevin Buchan
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Mark Whatley sprints past the Arbroath bench
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Kevin Nicoll in an aerial battle
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Bobby Linn is thwarted in his attempt to get forward
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride controls the ball
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Keiran Stewart goes for the ball
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Keiran Stewart
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Mark Whatley with throw in
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Kevin Buchan beats Fraser Mullen to the ball
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride shoots
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Kevin Buchan jumps as the corner kick is taken
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Jonathon Page leaps to win the ball
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Paul McManus heads the ball on
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Craig Johnstone pushes forward
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Craig Johnstone makes a surging run from defence
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Kevin Buchan
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Jonathon Page again foils Kevin Buchan
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Al El-Zubaidi comes up for the corner kick
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - East Fife defend the corner
Scotsman_in_Hawaii: Arbroath 0 - 2 East Fife - Scott McBride shoots