Björn S: Yamaha Drag Star
Björn S: Glose 2015-07-02
Björn S: Stiga Multiclip - Briggs & Stratton
Björn S: Stiga Multiclip - Briggs & Stratton
Björn S: Stiga Multiclip - Briggs & Stratton
Björn S: Stiga Multiclip - Briggs & Stratton
Björn S: image
Björn S: Göteborg, Gothenburg
Björn S: I am Sailing
Björn S: Vovv
Björn S: Train again
Björn S: Train
Björn S: Daddy
Björn S: Daddy, age 81, summer 2014
Björn S: Train and railway station
Björn S: Train in Herrljunga
Björn S: Garage & Tools
Björn S: My new camera, photo is taken with my mobilecamera
Björn S: Chairs in two versions
Björn S: Chairs in two versions
Björn S: Sugen på kaffe
Björn S: Skärmavbild 2013-05-31 kl. 10.07.25
Björn S: Shipp in harbour
Björn S: Ship
Björn S: Sandskulptur
Björn S: Sandskulptur
Björn S: Sandskulptur
Björn S: Sandskulptur
Björn S: Sandskulptur
Björn S: Sandskulptur