scott_bagby: Tianamen
scott_bagby: Hong Kong Harbour
scott_bagby: Great Hall of the People
scott_bagby: the In-laws
scott_bagby: forgotten MC
scott_bagby: Traditional Dress
scott_bagby: Tony, Mum, Em and Louise
scott_bagby: Tony, Mary Ed and Song's dad
scott_bagby: Tony and Mary Ed
scott_bagby: Toby and Nick
scott_bagby: The Ladies
scott_bagby: Ted's best man's outfit
scott_bagby: Ted and Tony
scott_bagby: Ted and Song
scott_bagby: Ted and Friend
scott_bagby: Sutzie's Bike
scott_bagby: Sutz working on his belly
scott_bagby: Sutz and Pregnent Cheng
scott_bagby: Speaker's Apron
scott_bagby: Song and the boys
scott_bagby: Sober Sutz
scott_bagby: Shopping in Shanghai
scott_bagby: Shawn, Michelle, mum, Scott and Caroline
scott_bagby: Shawn & Michelle
scott_bagby: Shanghai's Putong
scott_bagby: Shanghai at night
scott_bagby: Shanghai Tower
scott_bagby: Shanghai Haze
scott_bagby: Scott inside the Forbidden City