scotch egg: The clouds roll in
scotch egg: Wild flower in the Simien Mountains
scotch egg: Simiens shepherd boy with woollen hat
scotch egg: "Left a bit..."
scotch egg: Your worst nightmare...
scotch egg: Up in the Simiens
scotch egg: Meskel flowers
scotch egg: Chestnut-naped Francolin in the Simien Mountains
scotch egg: Male Gelada baboon in the Simien Mountains
scotch egg: Meskel flowers at Jinbar waterfall, Simien Mountains
scotch egg: My high altitude steed...
scotch egg: My trusty groom
scotch egg: The lonesome Gelada
scotch egg: Geladas in amongst the Meskel
scotch egg: A Meskel mincer!
scotch egg: Make love not war
scotch egg: Shepherd boy and friends
scotch egg: Thick-billed Raven (with a bit of sheep...) in the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia
scotch egg: Looking out for rivals
scotch egg: A mighty lammergeier, Simien Mountains
scotch egg: Penning some high altitude thoughts...
scotch egg: Mulemen warm up with our scout and guide
scotch egg: Gich Camp fire
scotch egg: Dusk at Gich Camp
scotch egg: Looking down from Imet Gogo (3,925m)
scotch egg: View from Imet Gogo, Simien Mountains
scotch egg: The Simien Mountains from the Italian-built road to Axum
scotch egg: Gelada colony beneath Imet Gogo
scotch egg: Peskett at Shayno Sefer peak (3,962m)
scotch egg: Woolly hats at Shayno Sefer, Simien Mountains