Scorpocat: blue on pink
Scorpocat: restored houses
Scorpocat: dental practice
Scorpocat: recycled bed springs
Scorpocat: down below
Scorpocat: Hoşgeldiniz
Scorpocat: houses in Arnavutköy
Scorpocat: verandah
Scorpocat: purple corner
Scorpocat: terrace
Scorpocat: colourful
Scorpocat: old houses
Scorpocat: up above
Scorpocat: hardware store
Scorpocat: gone
Scorpocat: pastel palace
Scorpocat: no through road
Scorpocat: yellow house
Scorpocat: laundry in a front yard
Scorpocat: fluorescent green
Scorpocat: This is the house that Jack built
Scorpocat: neighbours
Scorpocat: needing major restoration
Scorpocat: forgotten elections
Scorpocat: superstitions
Scorpocat: the house with the tombstone
Scorpocat: someone ran out
Scorpocat: green shutters
Scorpocat: the house of orange
Scorpocat: at last