scorpio71gr: Steve, His Stepmom, and nephew Tyler
scorpio71gr: Outside the Adler Plantarium in Chicago
scorpio71gr: Chicago from The Shedd Aq.
scorpio71gr: Outside the Shedd
scorpio71gr: Ouside the Shedd
scorpio71gr: The Field Museum
scorpio71gr: DSC01281
scorpio71gr: DSC01282
scorpio71gr: Inside the Field Musem
scorpio71gr: Inside the Field Musem
scorpio71gr: Sue The T-Rex at the Field
scorpio71gr: DSC01311
scorpio71gr: DSC01312
scorpio71gr: Inside the Field Musem
scorpio71gr: DSC01267
scorpio71gr: DSC01316
scorpio71gr: DSC01319
scorpio71gr: DSC01410
scorpio71gr: DSC01406
scorpio71gr: DSC01401
scorpio71gr: DSC01400
scorpio71gr: DSC01396
scorpio71gr: DSC01397
scorpio71gr: DSC01385
scorpio71gr: DSC01284
scorpio71gr: DSC01399