Scooters Momma: Our new addition...
Scooters Momma: Precious little Lady...
Scooters Momma: What a diffence a day makes....
Scooters Momma: She's taken over!
Scooters Momma: Hmmm....
Scooters Momma: The Princess...
Scooters Momma: Momma's girl....
Scooters Momma: Princess Lady
Scooters Momma: The Chi's
Scooters Momma: Pretty Girl
Scooters Momma: Lady's holiday pose
Scooters Momma: So proud...
Scooters Momma: My pretty blanket
Scooters Momma: My beautiful baby girl
Scooters Momma: Doesn't she look amazing?!
Scooters Momma: Momma's baby girl