Scooters Momma: Kisses...
Scooters Momma: Bruno tackling Scoot
Scooters Momma: Daddy & his little man
Scooters Momma: One of my favorites...
Scooters Momma: Grrr....
Scooters Momma: This is pretty good
Scooters Momma: Checkin out his bubby's birthday present...
Scooters Momma: The big fight
Scooters Momma: "A chew toy?"
Scooters Momma: Oooo, what's this?
Scooters Momma: Our little Bruno
Scooters Momma: Momma's boys just chillin'
Scooters Momma: scoot & bruno
Scooters Momma: Whose treat is it??
Scooters Momma: Our little Bruno
Scooters Momma: Tuckered from playing
Scooters Momma: ZZZzzzzzzz...
Scooters Momma: What's that??
Scooters Momma: Our little Houdini
Scooters Momma: My little man
Scooters Momma: My little cutie
Scooters Momma: precious peanut
Scooters Momma: Precious
Scooters Momma: After the Peek a Boo
Scooters Momma: The family portrait
Scooters Momma: Our little man
Scooters Momma: The new toy