KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Mum and Poppy at St Michael's Mount
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Cornwall with Mum and Poppy: Week 20 (Part 3)
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Mum and Poppy at St Michael's Mount
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Mum and Poppy at St Michael's Mount
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Mum and Poppy at St Michael's Mount
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Mum and Poppy at Moomaid for ice cream
KeithMasonPhotography (a.k.a. Scooter.john): Breakfast on Porthgwidden in the sunshine