figlife: Adrienne! I made it! Welcome to windy Wellies, NZ
figlife: me enjoying my first, and spectacular, NZ coffee
figlife: a glitch
figlife: yum! fidel's is delicious.
figlife: and the tour begins!
figlife: more fun street art in oceania, wellington edition
figlife: spotted the 'wolves!
figlife: the charming bucket fountain, wellington
figlife: downtown wellies
figlife: the fern ball, civic square
figlife: adrienne and the fern ball, civic square
figlife: civic square
figlife: me loving my first day in new zealand...because it's gorgeous there. easy.
figlife: civic center mural, wellington
figlife: guy in chicken suit, wellington
figlife: the snoozin' seal, wellington
figlife: NZ flora, part 1 of ?
figlife: this thing, wellington
figlife: the pier, wellington
figlife: the hidden poetry, wellington
figlife: hidden poetry, part II, wellington
figlife: feeling good lost, wellington
figlife: wellington loves amazing sculptures suspended by wires
figlife: ANZ, oceania
figlife: one of the many, kinetic sculptures, wellington
figlife: cable car to the top, wellington
figlife: play places along the cable car
figlife: disposables in NZ are always a party