Scoobyfoo: A little drier...
Scoobyfoo: Oh wait, I now have a hole in my ceiling. Never mind.
Scoobyfoo: And the water keeps pouring in...
Scoobyfoo: Why is the light fixture without a cover?
Scoobyfoo: Because it's filled with water!
Scoobyfoo: Some attempt to absorb the deluge.
Scoobyfoo: Hmm, perhaps there's a problem with the ceiling.
Scoobyfoo: Oh, and the walls too...
Scoobyfoo: The first inkling of a problem
Scoobyfoo: It's on the walls
Scoobyfoo: Not a good sign
Scoobyfoo: Not a good sign either.
Scoobyfoo: water in the light fixture