Scoobyfoo: Research for Fresh Start
Scoobyfoo: Brainstorming results
Scoobyfoo: Initial brainstorming results
Scoobyfoo: Mapping issues vs control
Scoobyfoo: Mapping issues vs time
Scoobyfoo: Our control mapping of issues before conducting interviews
Scoobyfoo: Responses by an interview subject
Scoobyfoo: Mappings
Scoobyfoo: Mappings
Scoobyfoo: Concept mapping
Scoobyfoo: Prepared ingredients for the experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: One kitchen setup during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Preparing ingredients during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Ana Camila cooking during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Ana Camila cooking during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Alejandro cooking during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Cooking a meal during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Haiyan documenting an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Prepared ingredients for an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Voice conferencing system
Scoobyfoo: Recipe and cooking tools
Scoobyfoo: Simona reading recipe instructions to her friend
Scoobyfoo: Recipe and results in progress
Scoobyfoo: Recipe and results in progress
Scoobyfoo: Preparing the meal during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Ingredients in the delivery box
Scoobyfoo: The delivery box
Scoobyfoo: Heather cooking during an experience prototype
Scoobyfoo: Fresh Start stakeholders
Scoobyfoo: Fresh Start Poster for Emergence 2006 Conference