scolopax12: Cedar Waxwing, UMass Amherst
scolopax12: Cackling Goose, UMass Amherst, Campus Pond, Hampshire County Ma
scolopax12: Cedar Waxwing, UMass Amherst
scolopax12: Cackling Goose, UMass Amherst, Campus Pond, Hampshire County Ma
scolopax12: Cackling Goose, UMass Amherst, Campus Pond, Hampshire County Ma
scolopax12: Cackling Goose, UMass Amherst, Campus Pond, Hampshire County Ma
scolopax12: Cackling Goose, UMass Amherst, Campus Pond, Hampshire County Ma
scolopax12: Razorbills in flight with one Common Murre, First Encounter Beach, Eastham Ma
scolopax12: Razorbills in flight with one Common Murre, First Encounter Beach, Eastham Ma
scolopax12: Hoary Redpoll
scolopax12: Hoary Redpoll
scolopax12: Gyrfalcon
scolopax12: Pine Grosbeak, UMass Amherst, Ma
scolopax12: Snow Goose, Boland Pond/ Nauset Middle School, Orleans, Ma
scolopax12: Snow Goose
scolopax12: Red Crossbill (Type 3)
scolopax12: Northern Shrike
scolopax12: Northern Shrike
scolopax12: Northern Shrike
scolopax12: Northern Shrike
scolopax12: House Finch, killed and impaled by Northern Shrike
scolopax12: Northern Shrike