Black and White Fine Art: Calle O'Donnell
Black and White Fine Art: Calle De La Cruz
Black and White Fine Art: Sombras (Shadows)
Black and White Fine Art: Calle Norzagaray
Black and White Fine Art: Fuerte San Cristobal
Black and White Fine Art: Farol e Calle (Street Lamp)
Black and White Fine Art: Calle San Juan
Black and White Fine Art: Garita (Sentry Box)
Black and White Fine Art: Lampara y Ventana (Lamp & Window)
Black and White Fine Art: Cromio (Chrome)
Black and White Fine Art: Estatuas (Statues)
Black and White Fine Art: Cuartel Ballajá
Black and White Fine Art: Llamada Local .25 Centavos
Black and White Fine Art: Perspectiva (Perspective)
Black and White Fine Art: Silla, Sombra y Adoquines (Chair, Shadow & Cobblestones)
Black and White Fine Art: Luz y Sombra (Light & Shadow)
Black and White Fine Art: Escalinata de Las monjas
Black and White Fine Art: Transatlantico
Black and White Fine Art: Frente a Frente
Black and White Fine Art: Cuartel Ballajá
Black and White Fine Art: Don Tite y su Sombrero
Black and White Fine Art: Pasa Manos II (Hand Rail II)
Black and White Fine Art: Huellas (Tracks)