Sean Coates: The space before I started
Sean Coates: Adding plastic sheeting (for the ceiling)
Sean Coates: Tacked up the plastic and added some insulation.
Sean Coates: Adding posts.
Sean Coates: Test-fitting the floor
Sean Coates: Constructing the first side wall
Sean Coates: More glue for the first side wall
Sean Coates: Floor and ceiling panels
Sean Coates: The first wall
Sean Coates: The back wall is the same as the first side
Sean Coates: Dropping in the floor
Sean Coates: The other side wall
Sean Coates: Hole cut for AC unit
Sean Coates: Painted
Sean Coates: Test-fitting the shelves.
Sean Coates: Front panel
Sean Coates: Almost done
Sean Coates: Closed up
Sean Coates: Cooling
Sean Coates: Shelves