Sean Coates: Knockout hop charge (IIPA)
Sean Coates: Kettle hops/trub after IIPA
Sean Coates: Beersplosion
Sean Coates: Starter accident
Sean Coates: The flask formerly known as a 5000ml erlenmeyer. )-:
Sean Coates: Replacement flasks
Sean Coates: Broken Rogue bottle
Sean Coates: Pre-chiller
Sean Coates: Berliner Weiße foam (2009)
Sean Coates: Kegerator
Sean Coates: Bottling Beliy (Белый) – White Russian Imperial Stout, 2010
Sean Coates: Starch Test (conversion incomplete)
Sean Coates: Broken Carboy
Sean Coates: Sometimes even a blowoff tube won't save you
Sean Coates: Russian River for some Younger
Sean Coates: Russian River menu boards
Sean Coates: 15% corn in the mash
Sean Coates: 15% corn in the mash
Sean Coates: Nasty Pellicle
Sean Coates: Cantillon: Destroyed