scmtngirl: crazy victorian with copper roof
scmtngirl: kudzu - looks like ivy but with much bigger leaves - very invasive
scmtngirl: went to Virginia by accident - back to TN
scmtngirl: old schoolhouse
scmtngirl: baby and mama cows
scmtngirl: farm landscaping
scmtngirl: too bad the Bronco doesn't come with it
scmtngirl: our BARN
scmtngirl: our BARN
scmtngirl: path to field #1
scmtngirl: flora on path to field #1
scmtngirl: boy's hangout aka field #1
scmtngirl: boy's hangout aka field #1
scmtngirl: thru da trees
scmtngirl: peekaboo view
scmtngirl: view from circular driveway
scmtngirl: old ass oak tree
scmtngirl: barn and corn crib
scmtngirl: gourd bird houses by Mrs. Barbara Johnson
scmtngirl: big cabin, woodshed, and shitty rental car
scmtngirl: birdhouse
scmtngirl: maple