scienceduck: smoke obscured sunsets
scienceduck: smoke obscured sunsets
scienceduck: canola field
scienceduck: canola field
scienceduck: IMG_1841-sunset
scienceduck: sunspots
scienceduck: belted kingfisher in flight
scienceduck: Mallard brood
scienceduck: Mallard brood
scienceduck: male mallard
scienceduck: Canola fields
scienceduck: murder chicken family
scienceduck: IMG_1715-sunetsilo
scienceduck: hunting blue heron
scienceduck: IMG_1453-loon
scienceduck: hunting pair
scienceduck: female common merganser looks like the road runner
scienceduck: common crackle
scienceduck: bufflehead
scienceduck: sea plane, um, frozen sea plane
scienceduck: bald eagles
scienceduck: bald eagles
scienceduck: bald eagle
scienceduck: screeeech
scienceduck: murder of crows trying not to get murdered
scienceduck: crows harassing a bald eagle eating supper