scienceduck: bike light surprise
scienceduck: wavering smoke
scienceduck: Grid Girls of Montreal
scienceduck: at bat
scienceduck: musical
scienceduck: Toronto building
scienceduck: My First HDR
scienceduck: man of smoke
scienceduck: About 120 shots of the Toronto Skyline
scienceduck: Pregnancy Animation (see original size)
scienceduck: detective leaning against wall
scienceduck: office in the sky
scienceduck: Pregnancy
scienceduck: Smoke Series One
scienceduck: Christmas camera toss
scienceduck: electric smoke
scienceduck: deep purple
scienceduck: the TTC Rocket
scienceduck: smoke flow
scienceduck: rolling
scienceduck:, now I'm just confused
scienceduck: Painting with Lights
scienceduck: NOW the blinds are open
scienceduck: Blinds... um, open
scienceduck: Blinds closed
scienceduck: the line-up
scienceduck: eaton centre
scienceduck: Harley Davidson Scooter and an Indian Motorcycle
scienceduck: shades of green