schyter: 6x12
schyter: 6x12
schyter: Pizzighettone - Le rapide del fiume Adda -
schyter: S.Stefano Lodigiano - 70° Gran Premio Agostano - scultura
schyter: Maccastorna - il castello - Torre sud-est
schyter: Lodi - San Francesco -
schyter: Orio Litta - Villa Litta-Carini - il viale
schyter: basiasco - scorcio -
schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: J-Nùsol C - before the storm - ;/) pinhole and negative paper
schyter: J-Nùsol FM+C - Death makes you beautiful ;/)
schyter: Dolomiti orientali - ritratti al Passo Giau - 2.236mt - Ra Gusela ;/)
schyter: J-Nùsol FM test stock solution after three months - old steamroller - ;/)
schyter: J-Nùsol FM - test stock solution after three months - Bertonico - S.Clemente church - ;/)
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: populus nigra (pioppo nero cipressino) pinhole ;/) tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 homemade development ;/)
schyter: Sirmione - the castle - ;/)
schyter: San Colombano - a cherry tree in the vineyards - ;/)
schyter: - I would like to have in my house: a sensible woman, a cat walking through the books, friends in every season without which I can not live... - ;/)
schyter: - rays on the hills - ;/)
schyter: - Tmax 400 @ 800 & FX1 double bath - a bell tower ;/)
schyter: - Tmax 400 @ 800 & FX1 double bath - a minaret ;/)
schyter: - FX1 development... - ;/)
schyter: - over the fence - ;/)
schyter: - willows - ;/)
schyter: - the bridge 6X12 - ;/)