Nick_Schweitzer: Logan's First Picture
Nick_Schweitzer: As a matter of fact I don't trust you with my toys while I drink
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan at Granville Park
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan at Granville Park
Nick_Schweitzer: Ally and Logan
Nick_Schweitzer: Oh Christmas Tree
Nick_Schweitzer: What Are You Doing With That Camera?
Nick_Schweitzer: Perhaps The Camera Isn't That Scary
Nick_Schweitzer: I'm Going to Be On The Internet?!
Nick_Schweitzer: Throw the Bone Already!
Nick_Schweitzer: He's Holding My Bone
Nick_Schweitzer: Ally and Logan
Nick_Schweitzer: Ally and Logan
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan with a New Year Rawhide
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan with a New Year Rawhide
Nick_Schweitzer: Hello Sexy. I'm Going to Eat You Now!
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan with a New Year Rawhide
Nick_Schweitzer: Whatcha Doing?
Nick_Schweitzer: Logan During the Doggie Dip