Benedictus Schwartze: Angels of love
Benedictus Schwartze: K-brunn, stol och vattenhjärta
Benedictus Schwartze: A heart with a view
Benedictus Schwartze: My heart is bleeding
Benedictus Schwartze: To A Loved One
Benedictus Schwartze: Love behind glass
Benedictus Schwartze: K-brunn hjärtlöv och fallen flugsvamp
Benedictus Schwartze: K-brunn och hjärta
Benedictus Schwartze: Bang! Happy new year 2009
Benedictus Schwartze: The heart can't carry too much
Benedictus Schwartze: You make me unhappy
Benedictus Schwartze: Love can be found in the strangest places
Benedictus Schwartze: The love shack
Benedictus Schwartze: In the Love shack
Benedictus Schwartze: A happy place?
Benedictus Schwartze: Is love a good thing?
Benedictus Schwartze: Love Kills Slowly
Benedictus Schwartze: Heart-spotted leopard
Benedictus Schwartze: Heart of glass
Benedictus Schwartze: The love of Christ
Benedictus Schwartze: OK, I'm a snake. But I love you...
Benedictus Schwartze: Eat your hearts out
Benedictus Schwartze: Heart of pearls
Benedictus Schwartze: The way to the heart is a maze
Benedictus Schwartze: Frozen heart