schwaegler: Late Summer Goat Prairie
schwaegler: Rock Polypody and Virginia Creeper Share a Cliff Face
schwaegler: Foamy Solomon's Seal in Fruit
schwaegler: Trempealeau River from Brady's Bluff
schwaegler: Great Plains Ladies Tress Orchid Specimen
schwaegler: Poison Ivy and Virginia Creeper Side-by-Side
schwaegler: Rough False Foxglove Close-up
schwaegler: American Spikenard Hanging from Cliff Face
schwaegler: American Spikenard in Fruit
schwaegler: Indigo Milk Cap Mushroom
schwaegler: Apple Bolete Mushrooms and Rock Polypody
schwaegler: Brady's Bluff Goat Prairie
schwaegler: White Mushrooms on Green Moss