schwaegler: Birdfoot Violet Cluster
schwaegler: Sawtooth Sunflowers at the Woodland Edge
schwaegler: Plain Gentian Close-up
schwaegler: Sneezeweed Hanging over Creek
schwaegler: Great Blue Lobelia Close-up
schwaegler: False-Foxglove Close-up
schwaegler: Shooting Star Flowers -- Pink Color Form
schwaegler: Obedient Plant Close-up
schwaegler: Cardinal Flowers with Faded Black-eyed Susans
schwaegler: Hill's Thistle Flower and Bud
schwaegler: Great Spangled Fritillary Getting Nectar from Milkweed
schwaegler: Morning Stroll through the Prairie
schwaegler: Pale Purple Coneflowers Decorated with Grass
schwaegler: Pale Purple Coneflower Portrait
schwaegler: Pale Purple Coneflowers and Blackeyed Susans in the Prairie
schwaegler: Common Milkweed Flower and Buds
schwaegler: Morning in an Early Summer Prairie
schwaegler: Pale Spike Lobelia Close-up with Morning Dew
schwaegler: Butterflyweed with Ox-Eye Daises
schwaegler: Butterflyweed Specimen
schwaegler: Butterflyweed Close-up
schwaegler: Hoary Vervain Early Stage Portrait
schwaegler: Cream Wild Indigo Specimen
schwaegler: Spray of Cream Wild Indigo Flowers
schwaegler: Small Skullcap Specimen
schwaegler: Short Green Milkweed with Seedpods
schwaegler: Violet Wood Sorrel Specimen
schwaegler: Leadplant Emerging from Prairie Grass
schwaegler: Viper's Bugloss Close Up
schwaegler: Leadplant Portrait