schwaegler: Trillium Falls with Overhanging Branch
schwaegler: Trillium Falls Detail
schwaegler: Pacific Bleeding Heart Specimen
schwaegler: Red Clintonia in the Spotlight
schwaegler: Redwood Sorrel Flower and Leaves
schwaegler: Western Trillium Purple with Age
schwaegler: Western Trillium in the Pink
schwaegler: Plumy False Solomon's Seal Close-up with a Fern Background
schwaegler: Yellow-spotted Millipede on Dead Redwood
schwaegler: Trillium Newly Opened in the Rain
schwaegler: Frederick Law Olmstead Grove and Plaque
schwaegler: Creek in the Forest
schwaegler: Inside Out Flower Specimen
schwaegler: Perfect Seat to Enjoy the View
schwaegler: Toothed Monkey Flower and Pink Alumroot
schwaegler: Banana Slug on Fern
schwaegler: Log Garden in Canyon Bottom Stream
schwaegler: Canyon Wall Densely Covered with Ferns
schwaegler: Elk with Velvet Covered Antlers
schwaegler: Gold Bluffs Campground
schwaegler: Elk on the Beach