schummi06514: Elizabeth Mix
schummi06514: John Mix
schummi06514: Samuel Mix
schummi06514: Thomas Mix
schummi06514: Increase Mather
schummi06514: Ebenezer Mansfield
schummi06514: Nathaniel Mix
schummi06514: Rebekah Mix
schummi06514: Nathaniel Mix
schummi06514: Roswell Miles
schummi06514: Medad Lyman
schummi06514: I.H., Age 79, 1683
schummi06514: Samuel Hodshon, Died August 26, 1673
schummi06514: John Heynes
schummi06514: Elizebeth Thompson
schummi06514: Isaac Thompson
schummi06514: Edward J. Lynde
schummi06514: A Son of Timothy and Mary Jones
schummi06514: John Beecher
schummi06514: Abel Morse and 3 of his children: Samuel Langdon, Debby Walker, and John Fabian
schummi06514: In Memory of Samuel Barns Son of Mr Samuel Barns & Mrs Welthy Barns whose Death was Occasion'd by a Scald from a Tea pot March 27th 1794 aged 7 Months
schummi06514: Rutherford Trowbridge
schummi06514: Phineas Bradley
schummi06514: Martha Bradley
schummi06514: Phineas Bradley
schummi06514: Jonathan Fitch
schummi06514: Sarah Daggett
schummi06514: Theophilus Eaton
schummi06514: Theophilus Eaton Memorial Stone - First Governor of the New Haven Colony