Chu's your weapon: Philobeith
Chu's your weapon: Lights in a bar
Chu's your weapon: Berlin Hauptbanhoff
Chu's your weapon: Ciggie run
Chu's your weapon: Climbing wall
Chu's your weapon: Climbing wall
Chu's your weapon: No Alsatians
Chu's your weapon: Still wet
Chu's your weapon: Graffiti hut
Chu's your weapon: Gino Fuchs
Chu's your weapon: No Pac-Man
Chu's your weapon: Battered doorway
Chu's your weapon: Liberty Down
Chu's your weapon: Road sign
Chu's your weapon: No givers, no takers
Chu's your weapon: "You have my fullest sympathy"
Chu's your weapon: Doubt it
Chu's your weapon: Kickinit
Chu's your weapon: Playground in need of some TLC
Chu's your weapon: I was going for the reflection
Chu's your weapon: Graff snacks
Chu's your weapon: Lucki (?)
Chu's your weapon: Fuck Berlin
Chu's your weapon: Two cans, two cans...
Chu's your weapon: 3.50 Euros = £3.09