Chu's your weapon: The great Fuze
Chu's your weapon: Heathtown RIP
Chu's your weapon: Walsall Youth Arts outreach programme
Chu's your weapon: Walsall Youth Arts outreach programme
Chu's your weapon: Small Mind in a big city
Chu's your weapon: System painting at Selly Oak, Birmingham
Chu's your weapon: Rough painting at Selly Oak, Birmingham
Chu's your weapon: Cryse painting at Selly Oak, Birmingham
Chu's your weapon: Outcast by Desire, Heathtown Wolverhampton 1987
Chu's your weapon: Mr Cheba, Selly Oak 1991
Chu's your weapon: Death of Pleck gas works
Chu's your weapon: Wires, Pliers & Jungle Flyers
Chu's your weapon: Mr Cheba st(upid p)encil
Chu's your weapon: Ladder Sitter dreamer, the Alas-can-tan man
Chu's your weapon: Cannon Cinema, Townend Bank, Walsall
Chu's your weapon: Fun Factory
Chu's your weapon: Simple Jealousy 93
Chu's your weapon: Walsall Paddock early 90's
Chu's your weapon: Attwoods H.O.F. 1987
Chu's your weapon: Writer's cramp
Chu's your weapon: Testing roadpaint for 'Ladder Sitter'
Chu's your weapon: Ikonoklast
Chu's your weapon: Mear & Stylo
Chu's your weapon: DZINE tag
Chu's your weapon: Walsall, You Farts
Chu's your weapon: Fazeley Canal mural
Chu's your weapon: Before painting...
Chu's your weapon: Sketch for canal piece
Chu's your weapon: Paperpoint
Chu's your weapon: Canal Juice