2composers: Thousands of sitting Golden Buddhas
2composers: Ficus Jelly or: Floating Lemons in Ice
2composers: Three yellow parachutists
2composers: Weight-Balance and Joystick-Holder
2composers: Taiwan wood-smoked Chicken
2composers: King Fish head on ice
2composers: It was Fifteen Years Ago today...
2composers: Buddhas in the hills of Taiwan
2composers: Fresh from Fisherman's Wharf in Dan Shui
2composers: Noodle-stretching layer-by-layer
2composers: 101 at noon
2composers: Early jet-lag remedy...
2composers: Curbside battle
2composers: Reflection of a Binlang Girl
2composers: Sanchong Coiffeuse
2composers: Eyeing #7 Binlang girls, and the green door
2composers: Off to China!
2composers: Roaring over our heads...
2composers: Flowery details in blue and gold
2composers: Squirrel across the bridge
2composers: Fish quartet
2composers: Fishes are the stars here!
2composers: Hell boils over...
2composers: Temple Lion's Face
2composers: Beitou temple for the Buddhist Deity Acala
2composers: Mini Pet Piglet