Underground Explorers: The Easy-Go adit service portal
Underground Explorers: Our ride into the mine
Underground Explorers: Mike gets ready to drive
Underground Explorers: Heading into the Easy-Go adit
Underground Explorers: 2,700' in at the water plug
Underground Explorers: Looking at the service hatch
Underground Explorers: Water flowing out of the mine
Underground Explorers: Getting ready to head back out
Underground Explorers: Stopping at a parallel drift
Underground Explorers: Lots of water
Underground Explorers: A huge ore chute
Underground Explorers: Pneumatic chute controls
Underground Explorers: Walking further along the drift
Underground Explorers: Checking out the mineralization
Underground Explorers: Electrical panel and switches
Underground Explorers: Fungus covered ladder
Underground Explorers: Exploring another drift
Underground Explorers: Fraizer checks out an air wall
Underground Explorers: Collapsed timbers
Underground Explorers: Ugly raise station
Underground Explorers: Exploring another drift
Underground Explorers: Dead heading
Underground Explorers: Another ore chute gushing water
Underground Explorers: Powder magazine
Underground Explorers: A service area
Underground Explorers: Rebecca checks out a ventilation raise
Underground Explorers: Former electrical panel site
Underground Explorers: Heading up an inclined winze