Underground Explorers:
Surface and placer cinder mine
Underground Explorers:
Equipment ruins
Underground Explorers:
Power takeoff wheel and conveyer end
Underground Explorers:
Mining equipment with a view
Underground Explorers:
Mine building
Underground Explorers:
Looking out
Underground Explorers:
Lower foundations for the conveyer system
Underground Explorers:
Aproaching a canyon with snow cave
Underground Explorers:
Looking inside the snow cave
Underground Explorers:
The entrance to Lofthellir Ice Cave
Underground Explorers:
Heading into the Lofthellir Ice Cave
Underground Explorers:
Ice formations
Underground Explorers:
Ice formations
Underground Explorers:
Ice formations
Underground Explorers:
Ice formations
Underground Explorers:
Ice formations
Underground Explorers:
Nicole slides out
Underground Explorers:
Leaving the cave
Underground Explorers:
Hydroelectic surge adit
Underground Explorers:
Heading inside
Underground Explorers:
The water line
Underground Explorers:
Very loud and misty
Underground Explorers:
Heading out
Underground Explorers:
The entrance to a disused car tunnel
Underground Explorers:
Inside the tunnel
Underground Explorers:
Looking back at the door
Underground Explorers:
Closeup look at the door
Underground Explorers:
The Helgustadir Spar Mine portal
Underground Explorers:
Heading inside
Underground Explorers:
Very rough workings