Underground Explorers: The Edith shaft headframe and hoist house
Underground Explorers: The collar and cages
Underground Explorers: Looking down the manway
Underground Explorers: The Audrey headframe
Underground Explorers: The 1,900' deep Audrey shaft
Underground Explorers: Driving to another mine through a tunnel of brush
Underground Explorers: The Blue Dick Mine lower western adit
Underground Explorers: Looks perfectly safe
Underground Explorers: Inside the adit
Underground Explorers: Drift to the left and collapse to the right
Underground Explorers: Mike waits while Jason checks out a heading
Underground Explorers: Heading back out of the mostly collapsed adit
Underground Explorers: The Blue Dick Mine upper western adit
Underground Explorers: Mike crawls inside
Underground Explorers: Square set timbers just beyond the portal
Underground Explorers: Rough wood shoring and lagging
Underground Explorers: Heading deeper in
Underground Explorers: Dropping through a chute to the lower level
Underground Explorers: Jason checks out a collapse
Underground Explorers: Working our way past another ore chute
Underground Explorers: Yet another ore chute
Underground Explorers: The bottom of an inclined winze we passed before
Underground Explorers: Just beyond is the end of the line
Underground Explorers: Climbing the winze to the adit
Underground Explorers: It's a tight squeeze
Underground Explorers: Hiking around to the eastern side of the mountain
Underground Explorers: The hidden Blue Dick Mine eastern adit
Underground Explorers: Heading inside
Underground Explorers: Crumbly ground