Underground Explorers: Fish Rocks outside of Trona
Underground Explorers: Emergency roof repairs to the Minnietta Cabin
Underground Explorers: Temporary repair done
Underground Explorers: The Snow Canyon Mill
Underground Explorers: Upper ore bin and jaw crusher
Underground Explorers: Jaw crusher and chute
Underground Explorers: A closer look at the jaw crusher
Underground Explorers: T intersection
Underground Explorers: Stope above to the right
Underground Explorers: Winze to small stope and a shaft beyond
Underground Explorers: Heading leff
Underground Explorers: Another stope
Underground Explorers: End of the line
Underground Explorers: Carbide graffiti
Underground Explorers: The view towards Panamint Valley
Underground Explorers: Looking down the ore chute
Underground Explorers: Ore bin below the mine
Underground Explorers: Tram station ruins
Underground Explorers: Ore bin and upper tram station
Underground Explorers: A road the Jeep couldn't conquer
Underground Explorers: A Minnietta Mine adit
Underground Explorers: Dead end in one direction
Underground Explorers: Debris from a shaft to the right
Underground Explorers: Serpentine exploration drift