Underground Explorers:
Getting ready to head into the Radiore Tunnel
Underground Explorers:
Group photo
Underground Explorers:
Stacy examines core samples
Underground Explorers:
Boiler repurposed as a compressed air tank
Underground Explorers:
Testing the phone (it worked)
Underground Explorers:
Another group picture
Underground Explorers:
At the Defiance winze 400 level station
Underground Explorers:
The Defiance winze hoist
Underground Explorers:
Mike obtains some galena samples
Underground Explorers:
Watching for trains...
Underground Explorers:
That should read "Extreme Danger"...
Underground Explorers:
Waiting to ascend to the 300 level
Underground Explorers:
Mike climbs up
Underground Explorers:
Troy climbs up
Underground Explorers:
The Defiance winze 300 level station
Underground Explorers:
Door to a large stope
Underground Explorers:
Navigator Jeff
Underground Explorers:
Pear oil can
Underground Explorers:
Old workings
Underground Explorers:
Maybe people were shorter back then...
Underground Explorers:
Carbide grafitti from the 1920's
Underground Explorers:
Carbide grafitti from the 1920's
Underground Explorers:
Carbide grafitti from the 1920's
Underground Explorers:
Another stope
Underground Explorers:
Heading up an inclined shaft
Underground Explorers:
A large ore chute in the shaft
Underground Explorers:
Taking a break
Underground Explorers:
Old explosives
Underground Explorers:
Stacked rock walls
Underground Explorers:
Looking up towards the surface