Underground Explorers: UEC-140 Mine headframe and ruins
Underground Explorers: The UEC-140 Mine mill and offices
Underground Explorers: Aproaching the mill
Underground Explorers: Lectro-Melt electric crucible
Underground Explorers: Entering the mill
Underground Explorers: Floatation tank area
Underground Explorers: Flotation tanks
Underground Explorers: Flotation tanks
Underground Explorers: Massive ball mills
Underground Explorers: Looking down the hall
Underground Explorers: On the catwalk behind the ball mills
Underground Explorers: Ball mill hall and offices
Underground Explorers: One last look at the ball mills
Underground Explorers: Control room
Underground Explorers: Ball mill 1B
Underground Explorers: A closer look at one massive tank
Underground Explorers: Underneath the tanks
Underground Explorers: Walking towards the offices
Underground Explorers: The Main Office building
Underground Explorers: The Assay Laboratory building
Underground Explorers: Inside the assay lab
Underground Explorers: Inside the assay lab
Underground Explorers: Inside the assay lab
Underground Explorers: Inside the assay lab
Underground Explorers: Another look at the mill
Underground Explorers: The crusher building