Underground Explorers:
Quonset hut and ball mill
Underground Explorers:
Approaching the mill and headframe
Underground Explorers:
A closer look at the awesome headframe
Underground Explorers:
One of the mill conveyers
Underground Explorers:
Looking down on a conveyer shed
Underground Explorers:
A walkway inside the mill
Underground Explorers:
Approaching the main mill building
Underground Explorers:
Inside the mill
Underground Explorers:
Union Carbide Nuclear Co.
Underground Explorers:
Electrical panels
Underground Explorers:
Control panel
Underground Explorers:
Tanks and mixers
Underground Explorers:
The lower portion of the mill
Underground Explorers:
Shop building
Underground Explorers:
Brass board
Underground Explorers:
Lamp and rescuer tracking
Underground Explorers:
Looking up at the headframe
Underground Explorers:
Double hoist cars still in place
Underground Explorers:
The main hoist
Underground Explorers:
Looking down the shaft
Underground Explorers:
The manway ladders
Underground Explorers:
The 100 level
Underground Explorers:
The 100 level shaft station
Underground Explorers:
Signals board
Underground Explorers:
Kevin climbs down
Underground Explorers:
Ore load tally
Underground Explorers:
A bit of collapse
Underground Explorers:
Heading into the 100 level
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers: