Underground Explorers:
Mike climbs a raise on 6800
Underground Explorers:
Nice little break area
Underground Explorers:
Ore pass
Underground Explorers:
Nasty raise
Underground Explorers:
Bill and Mike wait at a junction
Underground Explorers:
Heading down another drift
Underground Explorers:
The 6734 service raise
Underground Explorers:
Looking down
Underground Explorers:
Continuing on
Underground Explorers:
Ugly collapse
Underground Explorers:
Crystal spots a raise
Underground Explorers:
Looking up
Underground Explorers:
Mike and Stuart discuss the stope above
Underground Explorers:
Nice slusher
Underground Explorers:
Stuart and a mangled drill steel
Underground Explorers:
Heading back down
Underground Explorers:
Another borehole
Underground Explorers:
Looking down
Underground Explorers:
Bill spots a passage above
Underground Explorers:
Up in the sub-level
Underground Explorers:
Nice cribbing
Underground Explorers:
Big collapse
Underground Explorers:
Mike waits while Bill worms his way through
Underground Explorers:
Another raise
Underground Explorers:
Crystal climbs up
Underground Explorers:
A small stope
Underground Explorers:
Heading back down to the main drift
Underground Explorers:
Kelly and Joanne go around the fence
Underground Explorers:
Cribbing and ugly back
Underground Explorers:
Collapsed raise