Underground Explorers:
The New York Mine in Viginia City (Gold Hill) Nevada
Underground Explorers:
The Chollar "Raise" and schoolhouse
Underground Explorers:
Looking down the 320' Chollar Raise
Underground Explorers:
The schoolhouse
Underground Explorers:
The Yellow Jacket Mine
Underground Explorers:
The Yellow Jacket Mine
Underground Explorers:
The Yellow Jacket Mine
Underground Explorers:
Bodie headframe
Underground Explorers:
Bodie ore bin
Underground Explorers:
The Standard Mill in Bodie
Underground Explorers:
Bodie workings
Underground Explorers:
Bodie buildings
Underground Explorers:
Looking down Wood Street at the mill
Underground Explorers:
Another view of the Standard Mill
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
Bodie church
Underground Explorers:
Long view at the upper part of town
Underground Explorers:
Looking down Green Street
Underground Explorers:
Approaching Bennettville, CA
Underground Explorers:
The assay office and barn/bunkhouse
Underground Explorers:
Inside the assay office
Underground Explorers:
The barn/bunkhouse ground floor
Underground Explorers:
The barn/bunkhouse second floor
Underground Explorers:
Approaching the Great Sierra Tunnel
Underground Explorers:
Closer to the adit
Underground Explorers:
The adit and abandoned equipment
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
The flooded and flowing adit